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What Is the Urban Style Interior Design?

Urban decor is more than just a trend; it’s a lifestyle. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of urban decor, exploring how it can transform your home into a modern, stylish sanctuary.

From vintage accents to industrial designs, we cover all aspects of urban decor. Whether you’re renovating a room or just looking for inspiration, this article is a must-read to bring a unique urban flair to your living space.              

How to Create an Urban-Style Living Room?

The living room is the heart of your urban home. To achieve an urban-style living room, focus on incorporating elements like a statement sofa, industrial coffee tabletop and unique wall art. Opt for a color palette that combines neutrals with bold accents and consider adding a vintage rug for warmth and texture.

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Choosing the Right Furniture for an Urban Bedroom

Your urban bedroom should be a cozy retreat. Select furniture that is both functional and stylish, like a sleek, modern bed frame and minimalist dresser. Add decorative pillows and a plush duvet to create a comfortable and inviting space. Remember to include elements of urban decor like a metal bedside lamp or a retro clock.

The Role of Wall Decor in Urban Interior Design

Wall decor plays a crucial role in urban interior design. Incorporate urban wall art, such as abstract paintings or industrial-inspired pieces, to add character to your space. Wall mirrors in unique shapes or with metal frames can also enhance the urban feel.

The Impact of Color in Urban Decor: Beyond Gray and Neutral Tones

While gray and neutral tones are staples in urban decor, don’t be afraid to experiment with color. Vibrant accents in throw pillows, art pieces, or even a bold accent wall can add a playful contrast to the otherwise muted urban palette.

Urban Decor for Small Spaces: Maximizing Style in Apartments

Urban decor is ideal for small spaces like apartments. Utilize multi-functional furniture, such as a sofa bed or a dining table that doubles as a workspace. Mirrors can create the illusion of more space, and wall-mounted shelves offer storage without taking up floor space.

Elements of Urban Style Interior Design

Here are the elements that define Urban interior design. Find out more about them in the sections below.

A More Contemporary Outtake on the Industrial Design

The Urban Style is contemporary and industrial but does not possess the harsh features of the ultra-modern industrial design. Instead of being sterile, the Urban Style has warmer undertones and more relaxed furnishings. One could say that this design is somehow a more playful interpretation of Industrial design.

Calmer Tones

The Urban Modern Style aims to create a more serene yet fantastically decorated room. It is more inviting than its predecessor. Even though it is inspired by Industrial design, it isn’t devoid of emotion. By using neutrals and warm tones, matched with the linear furniture, the Urban Style design becomes homier, a respite one can go to after a day’s hardwork in the office.

You can also use accent tones in the following shades:

  • Tan
  • Mustard
  • Burnt orange
  • Navy blue

Create Continuity

You don’t want uniformity in each room you create in modern Urban interior design. However, you continuity between rooms so there is consistency all throughout. One way to bind each room so they don’t look disjointed is to use a single color as the main color all through the house. 

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It could be that the color of the sofa is similar to the fabrics you use for the kitchen chairs. It could also be the walls, which can be painted in the same color. Your furnishings in your kitchen can have the same metallic accents as those in your bathroom.

If you don’t want matchy colors, your can still apply continuity by having uniform patterns that people can find in all the rooms. For example, your Urban Style living room would have cushions with a chevron pattern that can also be present in your bedroom. 

Fluid Shapes

Smaller accent pieces are just as important as your larger design elements. Look for table sculptures that aren’t confined to the conventional design. Choose bulb-shaped table-top elements, ceramic busts, and colored glass vases.

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Urban Style Interior Design Ideas

An abundance of natural light, topped with plush furniture and soft neutral colors defines the Urban Style of interior design. This is what differentiates this style from Industrial design.

Choose Warm Neutral Wallpaper Colors

Neutral colors provide the perfect background for highlighting high-quality furniture. In this sense, you need to keep the background colors simple to keep the limelight on your furniture.

Use Furnishings to Create the Warm Features

Soft furnishings topped with natural light is the ideal combination to create an immaculate Urban style ambiance. If you have rugged elements and you don’t want to part ways with them, pair them with a soft rug or cushions made of natural fibers to still maintain the warm ambiance needed by the Urban Style interior design.

To make it livelier, add side chairs that have deep tones such as forest greens and navy blues. If you are aiming for the luxe Urban interior design style, elevate your tertiary colors to metallic tones. Add bronze or gold to the mirror or cabinet handles.

To avoid an overly industrial feel, paint one section of the room in warm colors such as eggshell white or cream. In this case, the room still maintains a modern look yet, essentially, is grounded and relaxing.

Add Just One Statement Piece

The Urban Modern interior design room won’t be complete without the statement piece, be it a wall decor, a textured rug, or a piece of hand-made furniture. One caveat when using statement pieces is that one tad too many and your room becomes a Maximalist room. 

Be careful about adding too many statement pieces as these can overwhelm the eye. Make sure that such pieces have a personal value before adding them to your modern chic interior design room. Be sure that the decoratives you add have a function and purpose. For example, if you have a wide window, you can add a beautiful pair of curtains to it. When your wall is bare, add a large artwork to cut the monotony of colors.

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Scale Them

Add a bit of interest when adding Urban Style interior elements. Pair larger design pieces with smaller ones. Having a mix and match art decor is one fine example of this. Instead of grouping photographs of similar sizes, arrange one large wall photo with four to five smaller ones.

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When scaling elements, try to avoid heavily sharp or bright colored tones. Such colors don’t set the vibe of the room as modern or industrial.

Add a Touch of Botanicals

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To make the room more refreshing and inviting, add indoor plants and other botanicals. If your room has the same color palette, the botanicals can act as your pop-up color.

Wooden Floors

Wooden flooring or floor laminates work well with the Urban Style interior design. But, don’t choose dark finishes. To create depth, you should use light-colored wood for your flooring.

Leather or Suede

Leather or suede is extensively used in the Urban Style interior design. Often, you’d find this material for chairs and sofas.


You can use your lighting fixtures as the statement piece as well as the common feature that binds all rooms together. Choose designs in unique style such as multi-bulb pendant lights or metallic chandeliers that take the modern look. Now is the time to be adventurous in your decisions.

Add a Structured Sofa

Straight lines are a must in the Urban Style Design. This is the sleek element of the room. Structured sofas also radiate sophistication. Look for sofas with pipped trimmings and with tapered legs. These types give out high-end appeal. Such kinds of sofa are comfortable but not too puffy like the ones you find in the Shabby Chic design aesthetics. That being said, such design shouts contemporary design influence.

Add a Marble Element

It could be the addition of a marble coffee table or a side table made from the said design. The marble feature really shouts Urban Contemporary Design. Adding this to the mix helps your balance out all other elements in your design.

Integrating Industrial Elements in Urban Home Decor

Industrial elements are a hallmark of urban decor. Incorporate these by using metal shelving units, industrial lighting fixtures, and furniture with exposed metal details. These elements add an edgy, raw aesthetic that is quintessentially urban.

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Design Elements to Avoid When Designing for Urban Style Interior Design

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Some elements would not be a match for the Urbanism this style emanates. Here are a few things you should remember

  • Avoid luxury carpets
  • Handmade rugs styled in Rustic Design
  • Vintage elements
  • Limit contrasting colors. Urban Style verges on monochromous pairings and same-shade palettes.
  • Avoid cluttery furniture
  • Avoid too many kitchen appliances. Choose high-tech ones.
  • Avoid too much black, especially in your bedroom. Remember, you want a relaxed room, not a gloomy one.
  • Avoid too many different patterns, especially on textile use.

To End

There you go! Urban Style design is a playful take on the industrial and Contemporary design aesthetics. 

  • Urban Decor Essentials: Blend industrial, vintage, and modern elements.
  • Furniture Selection: Choose functional, stylish pieces that fit the urban aesthetic.
  • Color Palette: Mix neutrals with bold accents for a balanced look.
  • Wall Decor: Use urban-themed art and mirrors to enhance the space.
  • DIY Projects: Personalize your space with handmade decor.
  • Regular Updates: Keep the decor fresh with small changes over time.

Embrace urban decor to create a space that is not only stylish but also uniquely yours. With these tips and ideas, you’re well-equipped to transform your home into an urban-styled haven.


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